What is it
A revolutionary AI solution based on non-generative AI that is also 100% Trusted-AI. It powers multiple aspects of MDDV, from pilot debrief to maintenance, troubleshooting, reporting, learning, analyzing, and recommending improvements, acting as a continuous virtuous cycle.
AI Joe continuously uses the MDDV LOG data to learn, conduct deep analysis, recommend improvements, and highlight positive and negative trends in multiple dimensions in almost real-time.
We are now combining our Intelligence-Server Enterprise Edition (I-See) technology with the AI Joe engine to provide insights into supply chains. I-See connects with external databases, and by using machine learning (ML) and the AI Joe unique artificial intelligence (AI), it discovers issues and provides trends, predictions, and what-ifs. I-See then offers unique insights and improves decision-making through its unique analytics capabilities.
Compared to State of the Art
I-See phenomena discovery capabilities work on data of any size (including infinite-size live data). When connected with multidimensional databases it allows users to quickly analyze large amounts of data and discover patterns and issues that are usually hidden or overlooked. Combined with retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and large language models (LLM) AI of AI Joe (Trusted AI), I-See provides a unique, powerful, scalable, holistic view into any large system, especially into supply chains to logistics SMEs with unique insights and improved decision-making through its unique analytics capabilities.
The power of the combined
I-See and AI Joe technologies
When connected to supply chains in the Defense Industrial Base (DIB), the combined I-See and AI Joe technologies discover hidden issues and provide trends, predictions, and what-ifs in a multidimensional way (unique and innovative). This will provide unique insights (intelligence) and drastically improve the quality and speed of decision-making through its unique analytics capabilities. This is 100% Trusted-AI (no ‘hallucinations’ and no ‘reveries’).
Standard Implementation
ADS usually follow those steps during standard implementation (time and scope vary according to the number of source databases, the complexity of the data structure(s), cleanliness and consistency of the data, and the size of the data)
Zero Footprint
AI Joe is provided over the web or over a network. It requires no installation, no maintenance, no updates (also, no Java, Flash, plugins or ActiveX are used or required)