IPS User Forum 2022
October 17-20, 2022 in Vienna, Austria
New features in MDDV, new business news, and new teaming! Excited to present and exhibit during 17-20 October 2022 at the S1000D/IPS forum in Vienna.
New features in MDDV, new business news, and new teaming! Excited to present and exhibit during 17-20 October 2022 at the S1000D/IPS forum in Vienna.
Come visit us at the S1000D User Forum, and see all the latest features of MDDV (native support for SGML, Xyvision, DITA, and PDF, 6‑Generation backend publishing engine, MDDV Enterprise Edition, Flight Manuals/EFB, and more!)
American Data Solutions will attend, present and demonstrate our latest software. Please contact us to schedule a detailed private meeting and demonstration.
American Data Solutions will attend, present and demonstrate our latest software. Please contact us to schedule a detailed private meeting and demonstration.
Great event. Presented MDDV to scores of maintainers, from multiple MDS’s. It is so gratifying to watch their reactions (from amazement to disbelief). Great meetings with partners and potential partners. All in all - great event.
Great event. Presented MDDV to scores of maintainers, from multiple MDS’s. It is so gratifying to watch their reactions (from amazement to disbelief). Great meetings with partners and potential partners. All in all - great event.
Come to our booth and see the latest MDDV - amazing new features and capabilities! We also make a public presentation (Wednesday?) Contact us to schedule your detailed presentation!
Met great professionals - everybody is amazed by MDDV!
Great meetings! Wonderful people! Everyone loves MDDV!
Great meetings! Wonderful people! Everyone loves MDDV!
We had a fantastic time! Everyone loves MDDV! Viva España!