What’s new in S1000D Version 6.0

S1000D Issue 6.0, released in September 2024, introduces several significant specifications updates and improvements. Here are the key changes in S1000D version 6.0:

New Features

Graphic Profiles

Reference Enhancements

Branding Updates

Versioning Convention

Technical Improvements

XML Schema Updates

Business Rules Decision Groups (BRDGs)

Additional Enhancements

While not explicitly mentioned for Issue 6.0, recent S1000D updates have typically included:

It’s worth noting that S1000D Issue 6.0 is still upcoming, and more details may emerge closer to its official release date. Organizations working with S1000D should prepare for these changes to ensure smooth adoption and compatibility with their existing technical documentation processes. As with previous updates, Issue 6.0 is expected to include various editorial corrections, link updates, and schema tweaks to improve the overall specification.

MDDV fully supports S1000D Issue 6.0

Please contact us to discuss how we can help you with S1000D conversions, implementation, authoring, production, and MDDV—the most effective IETM on the market.

To schedule a meeting and a live demo, please contact us.

What’s new in S1000D Version 6.0
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