S1000D Issue 4.2 vs. Issue 4.1 - Part III
Part 3: The Elements and Attributes of the Business Rules Documents
- The following is a brief analysis of the elements and attributes introduced in Issue 4.2 to provide a schema to cover the business rule document. The principal markup elements their attributes and children used to describe the business rule documents will be discussed.
- Elements are identified in Red bold text.
- The attributes are highlighted in Yellow.
- Elements or attributes added in S1000D Issue 4.2 but not specifically related to the Business rule documents are highlighted in Bright Blue.
- Definitions are provided for the highlighted items.
- Definitions are not provided for common attributes and elements found in descriptive data modules and reused in the Business rules document data module.
- Each element will be presented with its definition, followed by its attributes and children elements.
- Attribute definitions will be provided when the attribute is first identified.
- Subsequent occurrences of the elements and attributes will have a reference to the location of the element or attribute definition.
- Reference to the location of children element definitions is provided.
- Markup element:
captures all types of information related to business rules documentation- Attributes:
- id (O)
- Child elements:
See para 4
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
has a similar structure to the main content of the descriptive data modules (<warningAndCautionElemGroup>
, is not included in the Business rules document data module)- Attributes:
- defaultBrSeverityLevel (O), the default business rules severity level which indicates the severity level of any rules for which no explicit severity level is specified.
Allowable Values S1000D Interpretation “brsl01” Most severe “brsl02” Medium severity “brsl03” Least severe “brsl51” - “brsl99” Available for projects - Child elements:
see para 5<figure>
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
is much like<leveledPara>
in the descriptive Data module. There are additional elements and attributes provided in the element<brLevelledPara>
for recording business rules information.- Attributes:
- applicRefId (O)
- id (O)
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- authorityName (O)
- authorityDocument (O)
- securityClassification (O)
- commercialClassification (O)
- caveat (O)
- derivativeClassificationRefId (O): The element
was introduced in Issue 4.2, it contains all derivative classification actions taken (eg, source material, date of action, action type) to the information in the complete publication.
- Child elements:
see para 6<brPara>
see para 7<para>
see para 5
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
contains a single decision applicable to the project or organization. A decision is not limited to authoring or publishing but can contain anything related to the organization or project. These decisions can be included in whole or in part and addressed throughout the lifecycle of the product.- The
- is a child of
- as well as a child of
- is a child of
- Attributes:
- applicRefId (O)
- id (O)
- changeMark (O)
- changeType (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- brDecisionIdentNumber (M), the unique identifier of the element
:- It must be used when at least one element
and/or element<brDecisionValueGroup>
is populated. - The only allowed case for not including the attribute brDecisionIdentNumber is when the mandatory choice element
is used. - The coding scheme of the attribute brDecisionIdentNumber is a project/organizational decision. It must be defined in such a way that inter-project, inter-program or inter-organizational referencing is possible by using solely the identifier coded by this attribute. For example, the model identifier, as well as the originator’s CAGE code can be included as a part of thebrDecisionIdentNumber. The project and/or organization must ensure the uniqueness of the identifiers captured by the attribute brDecisionIdentNumber.
- It must be used when at least one element
- brexRuleFlag (O), indicates whether the business rule decision must or must not be captured in a BREX data module.
- When used, the textual information captured in the element
(see para 10) must go into the textual response definitions of the element<objectUse>
inside a BREX data module. - These can be identified and automatically imported if needed.
- brSeverityLevel (O), the indicator of the severity of not implementing the business rule decision with its definition. the attribute can have one of the following values”
Allowable for Projects S1000D Interpretation “brsl01” Most severe “brsl02” Medium severity “brsl03” Least severe “brsl51” - “brsl99” Available for projects - authorityName (O)
- authorityDocument (O)
- securityClassification (O)
- commercialClassification (O)
- caveat (O)
- derivativeClassificationRefId (O) see Attributes in para 5
- Child elements:
see para 8<brDecisionPending>
see para 9<brDecisionText>
see para 10<brDecisionValueGroup>
see para 11<brDecisionExplanation>
see para 13
- The
- Markup element:
is a child of element of<brLeveledPara>
(see para 5) in the descriptive structure of a business rules data module. It contains information about:- A business rule that includes the definition of a BRDP
- A business rule decision that has been made
- An indication of the relationship of the business rule to various concepts and constructs defined by the specification
- The audit information on the BRDP and/or business rules decisions taken upon it
- Attributes:
- applicRefId (O)
- id (O)
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- brDecisionPointUniqueIdent (M), the unique identifier of a BRDP
- brDecisionPointPriority(O), indicates the priority of the BRDP for a project or organization:
- The setting of the BRDP priority can assist the project and/or organization by identifying which business rules should be defined first.
- This attribute has five predefined values.
Allowable Values S1000D Interpretation “brpr01” Highest BR priority “brpr02” Next lower level of BR priority “brpr03” Next lower level of BR priority “brpr04” Next lower level of BR priority “brpr05” Lowest level of BR priority - authorityName (O)
- authorityDocument (O)
- securityClassification (O)
- commercialClassification (O)
- caveat (O)
- derivativeClassificationRefId (O) see Attributes in para 5
- Child elements:
see para 14<brDecisionPointContent>
see para 15<brDecision>
see para 6<brAudit>
see para 16
- Markup element:
defines a reference of a business rule decision or another element to a business rule decision. The direct reference from a business rule decision to itself is not allowed.- The
- is a child of
see para 6 - as well as a child of
see para 16 - and a child of
see para 27
- is a child of
- Attributes:
- id (O)
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- brDecisionIdentNumber (O)the unique identifier of the element
being referred to. It is used for the purpose of implicit referencing. See Attributes in para 6 - authorityName (O)
- authorityDocument (O)
- securityClassification (O)
- commercialClassification (O)
- caveat (O)
- derivativeClassificationRefId (O) see Attributes in para 5
- Child elements:
. Used together with the attribute referredFragment and attribute id on the element<brDecision>
(see para 6) for explicit referencing.
- The
- Markup element:
indicates that a business rule decision has not been determined and is “to be defined”.- Attributes:
- None
- Child elements:
- None
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
defines the exact wording of a business rule decision taken for a BRDP.- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
contains the allowed value, if any. The allowed values can be defined by the project (eg, CAGE code), or the values can be selected from the defined values in the business rule decision point value group (element<brDecisionPointValueGroup>
) (eg, language).- Attributes:
- None
- Child elements:
see para 12
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
defines the type and, where required, the content of a business rules decision within the range and definitions of BRDP values as a recorded decision taken for a BRDP.- Attributes:
- brDecisionValueRegistered (M), the recorded value of a business rules decision.
- If a business rules decision is made for a certain BRDP and is not a stand-alone business rules decision, then this value must be within the range and of the type of the corresponding BRDP value.
- In case of a stand-alone business rules decision, the business rules decision values are already available in the legacy business rules documentation and (correspondingly) need to be captured in the business rules data module using the attribute brDecisionValueRegistered.
- brDecisionValueRegistered (M), the recorded value of a business rules decision.
- Child elements:
see para 12
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
provides additional information for a business rules definition which was not defined by the element<brDecisionText>
.- This can be information taken from the specification or any other information formulated by the project or organization.
- These could be markup examples, extracts from the specification or data/documents from other projects or organizations.
- The purpose of this added explanation is to enhance the reader’s understanding of the decision made for a BRDP.
- Attributes:
- changeMark (O)
- changeType (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
- Markup element:
indicates where in the source document the definition of the BRDP can be found and how the BRDP relates to decisions by the project or organization with respect to:- business rules categories
- Schemas
- configurable attributes
- remarks
- Attributes:
- id (O)
- changeMark (O)
- changeType (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
see para 17<brCategoryGroup>
see para 18<s1000dSchemas>
see para 21<configAttributes>
see para 22<remarks>
- Markup element:
provides information for a BRDP. It includes the:- BRDP title and definition
- BRDP values and their meaning, plus
- explanation of the BRDP
- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
see para 23<brDecisionPointValueGroup>
see para 24<brDecisionPointExplanation>
see para 26
- Markup element:
captures the audit status on the BRDP and/or business rules decisions defined for it, including possible actions to be accomplished in order to come to a satisfying decision and the status with the required date of completion.- If one or more child elements
(see para 8) are defined, then the element<brDecibrAuditsionRef>
(see para 16) refers both to the BRDP it applies to and to one or more of its business rules decisions. - If the
(see para 8) is missing, then<brAudit>
(see para 16) is attributed only to the BRDP defined under the<brPara>
(see para 7). - Multiple elements
(see para 16) within a<brPara>
(see para 7) make it possible to capture status not only per BRDP but also per business rules decision. - Recording of one
(see para 16) for a group of business rules decisions defined within the same<brPara>
(see para 7) is allowed. - Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- authorityName (O)
- authorityDocument (O)
- securityClassification (O)
- commercialClassification (O)
- caveat (O)
- derivativeClassificationRefId (O)
- Child elements:
see para 8<brAction>
see para 27<brCurrentStatus>
see para 28
- If one or more child elements
- Markup element:
indicates where the information for the BRDP is defined.- This reference can point to a place inside the same business rules data module
- A data module with related business rule information or
- External documents in a non-S1000D or
- Non-XML format
- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
- Markup element:
allows the business rules category (from 1 to 10) to which the BRDP is related to be indicated in the child<brCategory>
see para 19.- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
see para 19
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
allows the business rules category (from 1 to 10) to which the BRDP is related to be recorded in the attribute brCategoryNumber- Attributes:
- id (O)
- changeMark (O)
- changeType (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- brCategoryNumber (O) is the number (1 to 10) which represents the Business rule category to which the business rule is related.
- General business rules
- Data creation
- Product definition
- Data exchange
- Maintenance philosophy and concepts of operation
- Data integrity and management
- Security
- Legacy data conversion, management, and handling
- Business process
- Data output
- Child elements:
see para 20
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
provides a description of the related business rules category. A project or organization can add any information to assist with understanding and relating to the business rules category or categories.- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
defines the relationship between a BRDP to one or a number of the S1000D Schemas.- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- If the attribute is set to “1” then the BRDP relates or is associated with the Schema. (
<1000dSchemas brexXsd=“1”>
) - If the attribute is set to “0” then the BDDP is not related to or associated with the Schema (
<1000dSchemas brexXsd=“0”>
) - appliccrossreftableXsd (O)
- brDocXsd (O)
- brexXsd (O)
- checklistXsd (O)
- commentXsd (O)
- comrepXsd (O)
- condcrossreftableXsd (O)
- containerXsd (O)
- crewXsd (O)
- ddnXsd (O)
- descriptXsd (O)
- dmlXsd (O)
- faultXsd (O)
- frontmatterXsd (O)
- icnMetadataXsd (O)
- ipdXsd (O)
- learningXsd (O)
- pmXsd (O)
- prdcrossreftableXsd (O)
- procedXsd (O)
- processXsd (O)
- sbXsd (O)
- schedulXsd (O)
- scocontentXsd (O)
- scormcontentpackageXsd (O)
- pdateXsd (O)
- wrngdataXsd (O)
- wrngfldsXsd (O)
NOTEFor the following attributes representing a schema: - Child elements:
- None
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
defines the relationship between a BRDP to one or a number of the S1000D configurable attributes.- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)NOTE
- The configurable attributes indicating a BRDP has a relationship include the text “AttRelation” at the end of each attribute name. This is done to avoid redefinition of the types for configurable attributes defined in various S1000D Schemas.
- For the following attributes representing the configurable attributes of S1000D
- If the attribute is set to “1” then the BRDP relates to or is associated with the configurable attribute. (
<configAttributes caveatAttRelation=“1”>
) - If the attribute is set to “0” then the BDDP is not related to or associated with the configurable attribute (
<configAttributes caveatAttRelation=”0”>
- If the attribute is set to “1” then the BRDP relates to or is associated with the configurable attribute. (
- accessPointTypeValueAttRelation (O)
- acronymTypeAttRelation (O)
- actionIdentTypeAttRelation (O)
- barCodeSymbologyAttRelation (O)
- brDecisionPointPriorityAttRelation (O)
- brSeverityLevelAttRelation (O)
- brStatusAttRelation (O)
- cancelCaptionAttRelation (O)
- caveatAttRelation (O)
- checkListCategoryAttRelation (O)
- circuitBreakerRefTypeAttRelation (O)
- circuitBreakerTypeAttRelation (O)
- colorAttRelation (O)
- commentPriorityCodeAttRelation (O)
- commercialClassificationAttRelation (O)
- crewMemberTypeAttRelation (O)
- crewStepConditionAttRelation (O)
- defaultBrSeverityLevelAttRelation (O)
- drillTypeAttRelation (O)
- emphasisTypeAttRelation (O)
- frontMatterInfoTypeAttRelation (O)
- frontMatterTypeAttRelation (O)
- functionAttRelation (O)
- functionalItemRefTypeAttRelation (O)
- functionalItemTypeAttRelation (O)
- genericPropertyTypeAttRelation (O)
- hazardousClassValueAttRelation (O)
- icnInfoItemTypeAttRelation (O)
- icnResourceFileTypeAttRelation (O)
- icnSourceFileTypeAttRelation (O)
- installationLocationTypeAttRelation (O)
- internalRefTargetTypeAttRelation (O)
- itemCharacteristicAttRelation (O)
- itemOriginatorAttRelation (O)
- limitUnitTypeAttRelation (O)
- listItemPrefixAttRelation (O)
- lowestLevelAttRelation (O)
- maintLevelCodeAttRelation (O)
- materialUsageAttRelation (O)
- operationTypeAttRelation (O)
- partCharacteristicAttRelation (O)
- partStatusAttRelation (O)
- partUsageCodeAttRelation (O)
- pmEntryTypeAttRelation (O)
- pmTypeAttRelation (O)
- productCategoryAttRelation (O)
- productItemTypeAttRelation (O)
- quantityTypeAttRelation (O)
- refTypeAttRelation (O)
- reqCondCategoryAttRelation (O)
- reqTechInfoCategoryAttRelation (O)
- resetCaptionAttRelation (O)
- responseTypeAttRelation (O)
- sbComplianceCategoryAttRelation (O)
- sbImpactTypeAttRelation (O)
- sbMaterialTypeAttRelation (O)
- sbTaskCategoryAttRelation (O)
- sbTimeComplianceTypeAttRelation (O)
- sbTopicTypeAttRelation (O)
- scoEntryTypeAttRelation (O)
- securityClassificationAttRelation (O)
- significantParaDataTypeAttRelation (O)
- skillLevelCodeAttRelation (O)
- skillTypeAttRelation (O)
- softwareClassificationValueAttRelation (O)
- softwareCustomizationStatusValueAttRelation (O)
- sourceCriticalityAttRelation (O)
- sourceTypeCodeAttRelation (O)
- sourcingTypeValueTypeAttRelation (O)
- submitCaptionAttRelation (O)
- supervisorLevelCodeAttRelation (O)
- supplyNumberTypeAttRelation (O)
- taskCodeAttRelation (O)
- thresholdUnitOfMeasureAttRelation (O)
- updateReasonTypeAttRelation (O)
- verbatimStyleAttRelation (O)
- quantityUnitOfMeasureAttRelation (O)
- Child elements:
- None
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
defines a BRDP for the business rule.- For all business rule decision points that have unique identifiers starting with “BRDP-S1-”, the text captured in
must be the text defined by this specification. - The only extension allowed for these BRDP is the reference to the place in the specification where the BRDP is defined.
- Any explanatory information is to be captured in
(see para 26) - The text of a project/organizational specific BRDP must be defined specifically for the needs of the project and/or organization.
- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
- textElemGroup and
- listElemGroup as used in the element
in descriptive data modules
- For all business rule decision points that have unique identifiers starting with “BRDP-S1-”, the text captured in
- Markup element:
specifies what the BRDP is about.- For example, business rules decision points can be about the choice of available values, or about allowing the use of a concept, an element, or an attribute in a certain context.
- It can also be used to define new values, etc. S1000D provides BRDP values for BRDP defined in the specification and captured inside the business rules template data module
- The information mapped in the business rules template data module is based on S1000D text, Schemas and the default BREX
- Attributes:
- brDecisionValueSelection (M), this attribute identifies whether a single or multiple values can be chosen. The allowed values are:
- “single”
- “multiple”
- brDecisionValueSelection (M), this attribute identifies whether a single or multiple values can be chosen. The allowed values are:
- Child elements:
see para 25
- Markup element:
provides information on separate values for the BRDP.- Attributes:
- brDecisionValueAllowed (M), the allowed value for the BRDP. Multiple values can be defined, and this attribute is used to define each value.
- Child elements:
, defines textual information about the value. For BRDP, the unique business rule prefix “BRDP-S1-”, is provided by the specification inside the business rules template data module.
- Attributes:
- Markup element:
provides additional information on a BRDP, to that provided in the element<brDecisionPointText>
(see para 23).- This can be information taken from the specification or any other information required by the project or organization.
- For example, this could be questions arising when making a decision for a BRDP in a specific context of the project and/or organization.
- Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- Child elements:
- Markup element:
defines an action that is to be fulfilled to define a complete set of business rules decisions for the BRDP.- The information provided under the element
identifies the owner of the action and if it is complete or not. - If one or more child elements
(see para 8) are defined, then the element<brAudit>
(see para 16) refers both to the BRDP it applies to and to one or more of its business rules decisions. - If the
(see para 8) is missing, then<brAction>
is attributed only to the BRDP defined under the<brPara>
(see para 7). - Multiple elements
(see para 7) make it possible to capture actions not only per BRDP but also per business rules decision. - Recording of one
for a group of business rules decisions defined within the same<brPara>
(see para 7) is allowed. - Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- brActionOwner (M), the action owner. The text marked up with this attribute can be a person’s name, an organization name, CAGE code or combination of various. This can be decided case by case.
- brActionCompleted (O), of “yes” or “no” type, shows whether the action has been completed or not at the required date defined inside
(see para 28). The absence of this attribute indicates the required date for the business rules is not reached yet, or the action has not been reviewed and evaluated since the last review. - authorityName (O)
- authorityDocument (O)
- securityClassification (O)
- commercialClassification (O)
- caveat (O)
- derivativeClassificationRefId (O)
- Child elements:
see para 8<title>
- The information provided under the element
- Markup element:
gives the status of the BRDP and/or related business rules decisions.- The business rules data module Schema defines only one
(see para 28) for each element<brAudit>
(see para 16). - Therefore, if the
(see para 16) does not contain a reference to business rules decisions, then the business rules status also refers to the BRDP as a whole. - If there is an element
(see para 16) for each business rules decision (or separate group of business rules decisions), then the status also describes a separate business rules decision (or a separate group of business rules decisions). - Attributes:
- changeType (O)
- changeMark (O)
- reasonForUpdateRefIds (O)
- brStatus (M), indicates the quality assurance status of the BRDP and/or business rules decisions to which the audit status applies.
Allowable Values S1000D Interpretation “brst01” Unverified “brst02” First verified “brst03” Second verified “brst51” - “brst99” Available for projects
- Child elements:
see para 8<responsiblePartnerCompany>
see para 29<brStatusDate>
see para 30
- The business rules data module Schema defines only one
- Markup element:
indicates the date when the business rules decision must be taken and/or the date that the BRDP must be addressed.- The business rules data module Schema defines only one
(see para 28) for each element<brAudit>
(see para 16) - Therefore, if the element
(see para 16) does not contain any reference to business rules decisions, then the required date also refers to the BRDP as a whole. - If there is an element
(see para 16) for each business rules decision (or separate group of business rules decisions), then the required date also applies to a separate business rules decision (or a separate group of business rules decisions). - Attributes:
- year (M)
- month (M)
- day (M)
- Child elements:
- None
- The business rules data module Schema defines only one
- Markup element:
indicates the date when the business rules status was recorded.- The business rules data module Schema defines only one
(see para 28) for each element<brAudit>
(see para 16) - Therefore, if the element
(see para 16) does not contain any reference to business rules decisions, then the required date also refers to the BRDP as a whole. - If there is an element
(see para 16) for each business rules decision (or separate group of business rules decisions), then the required date also applies to a separate business rules decision (or a separate group of business rules decisions). - Attributes:
- year (M)
- month (M)
- day (M)
- Child elements:
- None
- The business rules data module Schema defines only one
The following elements are children of several elements. They have been highlighted<brLeveledPara>