MIL-STD-3048C - Summary of Changes
The Foreword of the MIL-STD-3048C (USAF) dated 15 May 2023 contains the following notation concerning the major changes in the specification:
- Added Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) requirements.
- Added emergency border marking requirements.
- Added Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format to the list of allowable formats.
- Added clarification to several requirements such as the use of Common Information Repositories (CIRs)
- and gender-neutral terms.
- Relaxed requirement for mandatory coordination for new information code variants.
- Added Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code to represent the Secretary of the US Air Force.
- Limited footnotes to tabular data.
- Relaxed requirement for mandatory titles on all level paragraphs for legacy data.
- Added a new appendix containing mandatory functionality requirements..
The major changes include but are not limited to the following:
Those changes are further identified in the details below:
Paragraph 2.2.2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications was revised to add DoDI 5200.48 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) and AIR FORCE INSTRUCTIONS
DAFI 61-201 - Management of Scientific and Technical Information (STINFO). It was further revised to replace AIR FORCE INSTRUCTIONS
AFI 36-2101 - Classifying Military Personnel (Officer and Enlisted) with AIR FORCE MANUALS
AFMAN 36-2100 - Military Utilization and Classification.
Paragraph 3.1 Acronyms used in this standard to add CUI - Controlled Unclassified Information, STINFO - Scientific and Technical Information, SVG - Scalable Vector Graphics, and TOAP - Technical Order Authoring and Publishing.
Paragraph 4.4.2 Intelligent data has been revised to emphasize the requirement to use the elements <partnumber>
, <acronym>
and <acronymTerm>
when possible.
Paragraph Changes to S1000D has been changed to provide the office and email address for requested changes to S1000D.
Paragraph Marking of Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) directs that publications containing CUI-designated information be marked using the element <policyStatement>
within <pmStatus>
Paragraph Use of warnings and cautions in descriptive data (JS-009) and Safety summary data module have been revised to remove the information code variant.
Paragraph Warnings in separate data modules (JS-010, Cautions in separate data modules (JS-011) and Notes in separate data modules (JS-012) have been revised to note that these paragraphs do not prohibit the use of CIRs.
Paragraph Use of the element <dataDestruction>
(JS-024) notes that “Destruction notices for STINFO are no longer required per DAFI 61-201.”
Paragraph Use of the functional item reference a clarification on the limits of the use of the element <functionalItemRef>
within the <dmStatus>
is provided
Paragraph Skill level code and Use of the element <personCategory>
AFI 36-2100 was changed to AFMAN 36-2100.
Paragraph Use of the element <title>
and <levelledPara>
for legacy projects has been changed. It previously addressed titles for the elements <figure>
, <multimedia>
and <levelledPara>
Paragraph Identifying personnel. When identifying specific personnel to perform tasks, gender-neutral terms such as “Technician A” and “Technician B” shall be used instead of terms such as “Man A” and “Man B”. has been added replacing Use of the element <reqTechInfoGroup>
. The element <reqTechInfoGroup>
shall be used when the procedure requires the maintainer to physically obtain the referenced material.
Paragraph Footnotes has been revised to add the line:” Footnotes shall only be used within tables and in data presented in a tabular format.”
To mark Controlled Unclassified Information the national caveat value cv51 has been identified in paragraph5.37.1.2 Values for the attribute caveat. Values cv52 - cv99 are identified for project use.
Paragraph Use of the element <enterpriseName>
in parent publication modules was revised to include the CAGE code 8VG39 for the Secretary of the Air Force
The Publication Module Code for Integrated Combat Turnaround Procedures Manual and Integrated Combat Turnaround Procedures Checklist have been added to paragraph Parent publication module codes for MIL-DTL-9977 publications
Paragraph 5.54 S1000D Chapter 6 - Information presentation and use require all data modules using IC, 140, 141, 145, 146, and 151E, to be displayed utilizing the cage emergency border markings (broken black border) per MILSTD-38784. For IETMs, the emergency borders shall be a static frame that borders all four sides of the main content area.
Paragraph CUI banner markings provide for CUI banner markings for the displayed publication module in the title bar) and for the displayed data module (in the subtitle bar)
Paragraph Printed output from an IETP was revised to add the requirement to print CUI markings.
Paragraph Mandatory IETM functionality requirements were added to require the selection of mandatory IETM functionalities identified in Appendix B
Paragraph Defined file formats was revised to add Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) as an allowed file type
Paragraph ICs was revised to emphasize that the Joint Services ICs and ICVs are to be used... When project-specific ICV are required, they may be used but must be documented in the Project Specific Business rules.
Paragraph 6.7 Technical Order Authoring and Publishing (TOAP) system was added to address issues concerning the TOAP system
TABLE I. Joint Service Publication Acronym List was revised to include ICC - Integrated Combat Turnaround Procedures Checklist and ICT - Integrated Combat Turnaround Procedures Manual
APPENDIX A PROJECT DECISION POINTS contains the following changes:
Paragraph A.3.1 Tabular listing of Air Force project decision points was revised to clarify information presented in Appendix A
BRDP-S1-00008 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to replace the office symbol AFLCMC/LZA with AFLCMC/LZPTP.
BRDP-S1-00058 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to add “Destruction notices for STINFO are no longer required per DAFI 61-201.”
BRDP-S1-00061 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to Note that Destruction notices for STINFO are no longer required per DAFI 61-201.
BRDP-S1-00125 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to recommend the use of hotspots.
BRDP-S1-00127 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to read “When using the element <listItemTerm>
for callout/item numbers, leading zeros should not be used-the default should be used.
BRDP-S1-00172 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to read It is recommended to avoid using footnotes unless necessary. If it is necessary, keep footnote use to a minimum.
BRDP-S1-00344 Program Guidance/Recommendations previously mandated CAGE code-based ICN; now MIC-based ICNs are preferred
BRDP-S1-00347 and BRDP-S1-00348 Program Guidance/Recommendations and AF Related Requirements were changed to reflect the preference for Model-based ICNs
BRDP-S1-00374 and BRDP-S1-00375 Program Guidance/Recommendations were updated to reflect a preference use of the CIR rather than the requirement to use CIR.
BRDP-S1-00381 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to reflect a preference use of the CIR rather than the requirement to use CIR and to identify that if the TOAP system is used then explicit references are required.
BRDP-S1-00550 Program Guidance/Recommendations was revised to reflect that the AF JSITWG representative is located in the AFLCMC TO Support Center (AFLCMC/ LZPTP).
Appendix B was added. It includes:
The appendices identify the required IETM functionalities (B.2) and the optional functionalities (B.3) that may be selected.